123 and 232 are two different numbers with distinct features. 123 is an integer number with 3 digits while 232 is a larger integer number with 3 digits.
123 is divisible by 3 whereas 232 is not divisible by 3. 123 is an odd number and 232 is an even number. 123 is odd because the sum of the digits (1+2+3) is an odd number, while the sum of digits in 232 (2+3+2) is an even number.
232 is divisible by 4 and 8 but not by 123. 123 is not divisible by 4, 8 or 232.
In addition, 123 is less than the square root of 232 while 232 is greater than the square root of 123.
When it comes to patterns, 123 is an arithmetic sequence while 232 is a geometric sequence.
Overall, both numbers have unique properties and can be used for different purposes. Some operations may need one and some operations may need the other.