Ceramic implants and traditional implants both have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to dental treatment. Ceramic implants are often chosen over traditional implants because they are biocompatible and cause less foreign material to be introduced in the patient’s body. Ceramic implants are also less expensive than traditional implants.
The main downside to ceramic implants is that they can only be used in certain cases where the tooth has been damaged or lost. Ceramic implants also cannot be used in cases where the patient may need additional bone grafts or sinus lifts.
Traditional implants, meanwhile, are much more versatile than ceramic implants, as they can be used in a larger variety of cases and dental procedures. Traditional implants can also last longer than ceramic implants. However, traditional implants are much more expensive than ceramic implants, and require much more invasive dental treatment in order to place them in the mouth.
Overall, ceramic implants and traditional implants both offer their own set of benefits and drawbacks, and it is up to the patient and dentist to determine which one is the best option depending on the dental case. However, due to their cheaper cost and biocompatible nature, ceramic implants are a popular choice for many patients.