A Comparison of Sass and SCSS

Making the comparison between Sass and SCSS is essentially a comparison between CSS and Sass. Both are technologies used to reduce considerable amounts of time in writing code and making websites more visually appealing. Sass is a dynamic stylesheet language which provides the same functionalities of CSS, while being easier and faster to write and read. SCSS (Sassy CSS) is simply a superset of CSS which adds new formatting capabilities like nesting and variables.

Sass is a pre-processor language meaning that before being compiled into CSS, code written in Sass needs to be translated into the CSS format. On the other hand, SCSS is written in the native CSS syntax and is essentially just an extension of the syntax of CSS. For this reason, code written in Sass is usually more concise and easier to understand.

Another major difference between the two is that in Sass, indentation within a structure is important - it serves as the way Sass knows how to interpret and compile syntax. While SCSS requires no special indentation (since it’s valid CSS), it does allow for indented declarations for better readability. Finally, Sass does not allow for empty declarations but SCSS allows for an empty declaration with a semicolon.

Overall, deciding between Sass and SCSS is up to the individual’s personal preference as both provide valid features. However, it is important to note that depending on the project, SCSS may prove to be the better option due to its CSS syntax and its native support by web browsers.